Thursday 9 September 2010

" bitches are some of the most RACIST assholes in the damn world!!"

Further proof, should you need it, that some people need to get a fecking clue. File this one under, "Dumb sh*t that people send me." I occasionally get abusive emails or comments, and usually they are quite amusing in their own way. This is about one of them; I'm reproducing it here because it's an interesting example of the thought process of some people. But first I should provide some context...

Ok so I was reading a post at the Racialicious blog about boxer Floyd Mayweather, who was captured on video making some damn ignorant racial and homophobic comments while talking trash to his rival, Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao. They include references to eating cats and dogs, and how all Pacquiao can do is make Mayweather a sushi roll. Or something like that.

Now since Pacquiao is Filipino, and sushi rolls are Japanese, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense... he may as well have told Pacquiao to go make him a felafel. Oh wait. I get it. Asians are all the same! Ah yes, now it makes sense.

Mayweather issued two lame video apologies, in which he pulls the classic, "I'm not racist, some of my best friends are Asian" manouvre. He even gets a Thai woman and a Chinese woman to hang out with him to prove how he is totally down with Asians; he even says he has a gym in Chinatown! Ok, so Thai, Chinese, Japanese - what's that got to do with a Filipino? Again, it's the "Asians are all the same" trope again.

You can read the post here, along with the 3 videos from Mayweather.

Anyhow, so I left a comment on that blog, saying the following:

"Look, I’m not racist because I can find 2 random Asian women to stand next to."

Mayweather is such a douche.
The douchiest bit is how he thinks the “sushi rolls” and “cats and dogs” bits are so astoundingly clever, that he tries hard to repeat them just in case you missed it; it’s as if he thinks it was the wittiest thing he’s ever said.

In response, someone clicks on the connecting link to my blog, and leaves the following comment on an unrelated post. Anonymous of course. I assume it is a black American guy. I have not corrected the spelling so you will need to do your best to read it.

“You have the nerve to criticize Floyd Mayweather but you bitches are some of the most RACIST assholes in the damn world!! And try so damn hard to kiss white as that you will step on any and ALL other races most notably ‘negroes’ to do it! Trick pleas did you your full of it ass have the SAME reaction to Kenneth Eng’s obnoxious and wretched article?! Doubtful since YOUR bigotry towards blacks is ‘justified’ where Floyd is juts being the ‘big black scway meanyout to pick on you poor widdle Asians’. You are full of shit and a half!”

Recognising irony is perhaps not the strong point of this fellow.

So I presume that when this person says "you bitches", he is referring to Asian people in general. Apparently we are stepping on all other races in our quest to kiss white ass (or "as", as he puts it). I'm not sure why he chooses to make me accountable for the actions of all other Asian people in the world. I'm not sure why he felt the need to make this comment on my blog, rather than Racialicious, where the discussion was going on originally.

He certainly didn't pick that the Racialicious post criticising Mayweather, upon which I commented, was written by Latoya Peterson, who I'm assuming is also African-American.

I think the conclusion he wishes me to draw is that black people (not just as a group, but individual blacks) are above criticism from anyone else.

So apparently I hate black people now, because I criticised Floyd Mayweather. The last abusive email I got implied that I must be black myself, because I apparently focused on issues of interest to black people more than a Eurasian person is supposed to.
Oh well, I can add "You are racist against negroes" to the list of things that people have accused me of being since I've been in the blog game. The others include "You are obviously a black person masquerading as a Eurasian for some strange reason", "You are a self-hating Asian", "You are racist against whites", "You are racist against Asians", "You a radical Leftist", "You are too conservative", "You are sexist and homophobic", and others.

You people need to make up your mind. I surely can't be all those things, can I?

I'm off to kiss some white ass now.

(Oh, and for the record, Kenneth Eng is infinitely more douchey than Floyd Mayweather. No contest.)


The person who left the comment has returned and apologised for it. Kudos to her. You can see it below in the comments section.

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