Monday 25 June 2012

From around the interwebs...

Interesting linky things.

Love the Beans, Hate the Beaner
Those Know-Nothing politicians, judges and voters who pass law after law trying to stop Mexicans from asserting themselves in this country are like King Canute commanding the tide to stop: The game is already over. We beat you with our Mexican food long ago, and we're going to beat you on SB 1070 as well. Although the dinner table might seem an unlikely battleground, you've got to know your history, kids. Food is one of the first things a conquering group demonizes when trying to repress a smaller group.

Are you a racist? Take our 10-step test
A) ``The sky is blue.’’ Not racist
B) ``The sky is lovely and blue.’’ Borderline racist C) ``The sky is lovely and blue like the eyes of my Aryan brothers.’’ Racist

Euro 2012: The banality of racism
In the Germany-Portugal match, paper balls were thrown down on Nani as he went to take a free kick. This was difficult for UEFA to say never happened as we all saw it. So, as a result, the German FA was fined £8000 for failing to control their fans. In that same match UEFA also fined Portugal £4000, for failure to appear for the second half in a timely manner. Just so that we are clear: Mario Balotelli, a real human being, was subjected to monkey chants and Spain get no fine, but if people throw paper on the pitch it’s an £8000 fine and being late for kickoff is a £4000 fine. Which make sense, unlike the abuse of Balotelli, the latter two infractions were seen widely and harmed the profitability of the tournament, they were punished swiftly.

Prometheus in 5 minutes or less
Any of you unfortunate enough to have sat through Prometheus will find this hilarious.

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