Sunday 23 January 2011

Beautiful people are smarter, too, apparently

So some scientists got together and did a study that appears to show a strong correlation between high IQ and good looks. Apparently,

"the research found handsome men scored 13.6 points above the average IQ score of 100. And beautiful women were 11.4 points above the norm, according to the London School of Economics.

The joint British and US study also suggests any kids good lookers have with their partners will inherit their intelligence genes.
Lead researcher Satoshi Kanazawa said: "In the samples, physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence, both with and without controls for social class, body size and health. The association between physical attractiveness and general intelligence is also stronger among men than among women."
More than 52,000 people in the UK and the States were measured on academic progress and intelligence as well as being scored on their appearance." (Source)
Perhaps I smell a rat. Scientists (ie. smart people, but not stereotypically sexy people) doing a study that concludes that smart people are good looking? How convenient for them.

Of course, this goes against the convential wisdom that beautiful people are vacuous bimbos and himbos, and brainy people are poorly dressed weirdos with bad acne and coke-bottle glasses.

It's like the accepted truth that you can either have a mate with looks, or personality, but not both. You know how when you ask someone about a girl, "Is she hot?" and they reply, "She's got a really nice personality"... then you know she must be ugly.
Then again, they say Marilyn Monroe had an IQ of 168. (Stephen Hawking's is supposedly just over 200.)
Here is Kanazawa's theory of why beauty and brains might go together:
"If more intelligent men are more likely to attain higher status, and if men of higher status are more likely to marry beautiful women, then, given intelligence and attractiveness are heritable, there should be a positive correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness in the children."

That at least offers hope to all you nerd-boys out there being mercilessly picked on in high school. One day your tormentors will be jealous of the hot babe you've got on your arm. Don't tell them that though, they'll just pick on you more.
The final word goes to a commentator at the Sun article, who opines in classic British style:
"Absolute rubbish! Oxford University is full of mingers who are unbelievably smart!"
To be honest, I like any sentence containing the word "mingers".

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