Wednesday 4 August 2010

From around the interwebs...

In other words, interesting links and sh*t:

Lost in Translation - Does language influence culture?
"Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? Do they merely express thoughts, or do the structures in languages (without our knowledge or consent) shape the very thoughts we wish to express?"

Malaysia tops Power Distance Index
The Power Distance Index represents the level of power inequality in a society between those at the top at the bottom. Asian societies are among the most hierarchical, with Malaysia achieving the top score of 100.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacks Paul the Octopus
The world's most sane leader claims the football-predicting octopus is a symbol of decadence and decay among "his enemies", and accuses him of spreading Western propaganda and superstition. Perhaps Mahmoud is just pissed that Iran didn't make the World Cup this time around. Anyway, there's no truth to the rumour that Paul masterminded the recent bomb attack on the President.

The First New Zealanders and their Rats
Looks at how the initial peopling of Aoteoroa can be traced by the radiocarbon dating of rat bones - the Pacific rat or kiore, introduced by the Maori. But the article also examines how history in New Zealand has become increasingly politicised. Some are misusing such evidence to claim that there were other people there before the Maori - and thus attempting to deny Maori claims over traditional lands.

Why white people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali
One feminist writer's take on the opinion-polarising Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali refugee turned Dutch politician and anti-Islam activist.

Garlic bubble leaves bad taste in Chinese mouths
A combination of factors, including its reputed ability to protect against swine flu - have meant that garlic prices have rocketed as much as 30-fold in the last 18 months in China.

Why pop culture matters to race bloggers
Those of us who blog about race can sometimes seem overly obsessed with movies, TV and other forms of popular culture. But as Jenn Fang writes here, "Pop culture doesn't just reflect popular trends and ideas, it also helps create them."

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